Our 183 day Partnership includes

You read that right. 183 days of daily access to me via text & voice notes. You’ll have a Jon On Your Shoulder.

  • Text me whenever you need me and get the support you need. You get on demand text/voice note coaching for everything that doesn’t require a full blown coaching sesh.

  • Beyond coaching, borrow my creative little brain whenever you need it. Need a fresh pair of eyes on a problem? Need to bounce creative or marketing ideas? Hit me up, we're partners.

unlimited coaching

Monthly 1:1 Coaching on Zoom

  • On our calls, we’ll find clarity on your goals, plan your big moves and eradicate the roadblocks that stand in your way. It’s the bespoke coaching magic you’ve already experienced, amplified by 183 days of daily support.

  • After each call, you’ll get a to-do list to keep you laser focused till our next one. There’ll be no more struggling with indecision over what you need to do next.

  • Why monthly calls? We’re making big moves here, you’re gonna need time to execute. Plus, you’ll have me on your shoulder for all the small stuff.

  • And about that to-do list…

6x Intensive Coaching Calls

Follow-up and support to keep you on track with your goals.

  • We can make the best plans on our coaching calls but it won’t mean shit if you don’t execute. That’s why I’m going to hold you accountable to your plans with some tough love.

  • Report your hits, your wins, your losses and failures. I’ll be here to help you process your learnings and progress. Expect insights, powerful questions and my unshakeable belief in your highest self.

  • Remember - you’re gonna get shit done. Or you'll get shit from me. In the most loving way of course.

SUPPORT & Accountability

Quick, online access to all your coaching insights and notes.

  • You’re gonna be referring to your coaching insights and notes. This won't make you a nerd. Self development is cool. They’ll be compiled and updated on a regular basis, one tap away anytime you have an internet connection.

  • You won't need to lift a finger. I'll personally update your database after each of our calls.


For you AND your pals.

  • Need more intensive help? Need to rent my brain to work on a particularly challenging project? Book additional coaching sessions at a special rate of 50% off.  This rate is offered to no one else.

Additional coaching CALLS at my bestEST rate

...and other surprises to bring more JOYS to your entrepreneurial journey

This is the best way I can work closely with you until i can be turned into an ai clone

When that happens, please get me a nice roomy 2TB iCloud subscription to live in.


One time payment of USD 2667

For all the (beautiful) photos of me on this page, this is all about YOU. As your coach, I'm a multiplier for your commitment to your growth. That means you'll need to put in work.

I will ask you hard questions. You will face parts of yourself you'd rather ignore. I will hold you accountable to the scary things you know must get done. This is unavoidable on your path to growth and progress.

If you're in a position to make this investment of USD2667 and 183 days of commitment to yourself... make some room on your shoulder, I'm taking a seat.

+ half a year of JOYous work & a desire to grow (this will get uncomfortable)