Our YEAR LONG Partnership includes

365 days of access to me via text. It's a year with a Jon On Your Shoulder.

  • Text me whenever and get the support you need. I'll coach you over text/voice notes for life's smaller problems.

  • Hit me up if you need a fresh pair of eyes on a problem / extra creativity for a business problem / a friend to unpack a sudden epiphany. I reply as soon as I can.

  • Many clients have asked - "Isn't this exhausting for you?". No, this feels like play to me.


Monthly 1:1 Coaching on Zoom

  • Each call is tailored precisely to your present situation. Life happens, we adapt. We'll shatter roadblocks / break limiting beliefs /  uncover your hidden strengths / find a path forward.

  • Everything shared on our calls will be kept confidential.

  • After each call, you’ll receive next steps to turn insights into action. There’ll be no more indecision over what you need to do next.

12x Intensive Coaching Calls

Follow-up and support to keep you on track with your goals.

  • We can make the best plans on our coaching calls but it won’t mean shit if you don’t execute. That’s why I’m going to hold you accountable to your plans with tough love.

  • Share your wins, your losses and failures. I’ll be here to help you process your learnings and progress. Expect insights, powerful questions and my unshakeable belief in your highest self.

  • You’re gonna get shit done. Or you'll get shit from me (In the most loving way of course)

SUPPORT & Accountability

Quick, online access to all your coaching insights, to-dos and  recordings.

  • Change takes time to stick. you’re gonna be referring to your coaching insights and notes.

  • To make this as convenient as possible for you, all your coaching materials will be made available to you via a private webpage.


If you want more of me...

  • Need more frequent coaching to navigate a particularly tricky season? Wanna rent my brain to work with on a particularly challenging project?  Book additional coaching sessions at 50% off my public rate. This price is offered to no one else.

Additional coaching CALLS at my bestEST rate

...and other surprises to bring more JOYS on your journey


Vanessa C.
(JOYS Partner #1)


(2 Slots Left)

For all the (beautiful) photos of me on this page, this is all about YOU. As your coach, I'm a multiplier for your commitment to your growth. That means you'll need to put in work.

I will ask you hard questions. You will face parts of yourself you'd rather ignore. I will hold you accountable to the scary things you know must get done. This is unavoidable on your path to growth and progress.

I do not offer refunds.

If you're in a position to make this investment and a yearlong commitment to yourself... make some room on your shoulder, I'm taking a seat.

+ a year of JOYous work & a desire to grow
(this will get uncomfortable)


1. Cancellation Policy
No Refunds. Your growth depends on your commitment to play full out. If you’re in, you’re in. It's a “Hell Yes" or a "Hell No”. 

2. The Honesty Policy
Speak your truth and nothing but the truth. There will be no judgement. You will 10x the value you get by playing this way. 

3. The “200% Responsibility” Policy
The highest levels of coaching partnerships involve 200% Responsibility. 100% comes from me, I will show up for you hiding nothing and holding nothing back. I'll also need you to show up at 100%. Don't hide. Don't hold back. Be open, be vulnerable, be afraid... and take action anyway. That's how we'll make this year your greatest year yet.


Games are no fun if there are no rules